Livin' the dream...

Gender: Male
Looking For: Female
Age: 36
Fort Pierce, FL
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Level of education: Bachelor's (Undergraduate) Degree
Relationship Status: Single
Have Children: No
Religion: Spiritual but not religious
Political: Middle of the road
Profile Photo
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My Description:

First and foremost I'm pretty nerdy. I like video games and table top games (although I confess myself to be a filthy casual). I like anime and movies when I can find the time and I read an odd book or two. For Halloween two years ago I was Connor Kenway. My costume was awesome but everyone thought I was Robin Hood. What are you gonna do? I taught kindergarten for a living while living around Detroit, and then in Texas for a year. I'm an Iraq war veteran and I used to be a firefighter...if that's your thing. I'm looking for a cute nerd to spend my life with. Also I'm going to try and get an updated picture on here. That pic is way old. Let me get your number and I'll text you a new pic. :D

My Match Description:

What I'm looking for is a like minded person who I can spend time with. Intelligence and a quick wit are a must. I love a woman who can take my jokes and return fire.

My Likes

My dream date would be to do the following:
Video or tabletop games, watching TV or Lions football, must tolerate Hufflepuffs.

My Video

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