

Geek is a four letter word.

Gender: Female
Looking For: Male
Age: 49
North Hollywood, CA
Ethnicity: Asian
Level of education:
Relationship Status: Single
Have Children: No
Religion: Christian/Other
Political: Middle of the road
Profile Photo
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My Description:

Hey out there!

I like drawing and making up goofy stories and general chit chat about movies and why sometimes they suck and sometimes they are awesome.

I am into graphic novels mostly, I am too impatient waiting for monthlies and I am more inclined to check out indies rather than the commercial standards like DC and Marvel, however I do like the Vertigo titles like Sandman, Preacher and Fable... Have been a 90's mutie geek but not too much of a turn of the century one.

I was on a sci-fi craze, loved SW and ST, but I think I am more trekkie than Lucas worshipper.


I am mostly into comedic improv as of late... but I do love my geeky side. :-)

My Match Description:

I am looking for someone who likes going blind watching HULU and to have heated conversations about who would play a comic book character in real life. LOL!

Well, that's not all I am looking for... I'd like someone who is not just a couch potato... but someone who is willing to go out and chomp some popcorn, watch live shows and have coffee to discuss the next movie would make if we had money. *GRIN*

Sense of humor = life to me. I like to laugh. I love sarcasm, but I can get offended easily (sort of the 'not able to take my own medicine' type) But I am being honest here, so please be somewhat truthful yourself.

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