Verona Gatling

Verona Gatling


Gender: Male
Looking For: Female
Age: 42
Richmond, TX
Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino
Level of education: Some College
Relationship Status: Single
Have Children: No
Political: Not political
Profile Photo
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My Description:

I don't know how to wear my hair. I keep it short so it's tidy, but I've had a pony tail before. So I suppose I'm also looking for a girl who wants a life-size dress-up doll so she can make me look how she wants me to. Because she's the one who has to look at me. I enjoy games of all kinds: board, card, console, computer. I'm adventurous and up for trying anything at least once, and some things several times. I'm easy to get along with and get to know. I believe that we are all one people and should look out for one another.

My Match Description:

Are you a Wendy? A responsible voice of reason? Or a Tinkerbell? A partner in crime and adventure? Or both at the same time? We are all deep and faceted. There are times when I want to seize the world and all the mischief and mayhem that comes with it. Other times I need no more than cuddling on the couch to be satisfied. I'm looking for someone to join me there, wherever, whenever.

The most private thing that I'm willing to admit is:
I'm polyamorous, and happy to discuss what that means to me.