Music and Dance

Find Dance Clubs on Yelp

Cut a Rug.

The first date choices are endless when it comes to dancing. Even if you haven't stepped on a dance floor in years, there're plenty of teachers who can help you get back in the swing of things. Besides being fun, dancing cheek-to-cheek may also help you further determine the chemistry factor. Don’t know how to dance? Maybe even better, sign up for a dance lesson. Many places offer introductory lessons for free or very low cost.

Mystery Band

Search "Live Music" on Yelp. It could be amazing; it could be completely hellish — you won’t know until you go! But even if it’s shocking, it’s definitely a bonding experience, & maybe even something to tell the children, eh?

Mix CD trade

Are mix CDs antiquated? Maybe you could just make one another a playlist on your iPod or something… Either way, sharing & discussing music is one of the world’s great, little-known aphrodisiacs. Truth.


It’s a great way to get to know someone — you’ll instantly know how outgoing they are, how much they like a challenge & what their music taste is like.


Pretend to be sophisticated. Or actually be sophisticated.

Intimate clubs

Search for "local cover band" and find tons of places that will offer you a night’s entertainment without charging an arm and a leg. Prefer comedy? It’s good too. Try to find one in your area.